Calories Per Hour
Without getting into the minutia of the science, we can say that your Metabolic Rate is a direct measure of the calories you burn in a given amount of time. This means that your “metabolism” is a...
View ArticleHow to boost your metabolism by 16% in only 7 days, WITHOUT exercise!
Here’s an interesting study for you: 6 men, all roughly 50 years old were admitted to hospital, where they were fed roughly 6,200 calories per day for seven days. They ate 230 grams of protein, 775...
View ArticleComfort Zone Reset
Comfort zones can be tricky… sometimes you think that being comfortable means taking the easy way, but in reality comfort can also be found in the complicated… Take diet for example… Comfort is both...
View ArticleFasting and Weight Training
At its core, fasting isn’t any more complicated than simply taking a break from eating, and intermittent fasting can be thought of as occasionally taking a break form eating. However, there are...
View ArticleThe Human Machine
The human body operates of itself. You don’t need to think about how to properly fire your nervous system, or to regulate your blood flow, or to grow your hair in order for these things to happen. In...
View ArticleAdjust the Sail
My father was a sailor. If you needed to find him, he was at the boat. If you were wondering what that weird new tool was that suddenly appeared in the garage, you didn’t have to ask, you just knew…...
View ArticleOn the Surety of Fasting
Fasting for 24 hours, once or twice per week, combined with resistance training is what has always worked for me. Or, at least it’s what has worked for me from when I first started fasting in 2006...
View ArticleBreak your Fast, still burn more fat.
Here’s a really interesting study result for you. When researchers studied the effect of various diets on cycling performance they found no difference between people who fasted 24 hours the day before...
View ArticleOptimal Fasting Length
I often get asked my opinion on the optimal length of a fast, unfortunately I don’t ever have a clear answer. To be honest, a 24-hour fast isn’t THAT much better than a 20-hour fast, in the same way...
View ArticleThe Curious Case of Black Coffee
It has been a great year for Eat Stop Eat. Lots of people tried this way of life, and almost as many fell in love with its simplicity and effectiveness. And, I heard from a lot of people following Eat...
View ArticleCan Heat Help Your Bones?
Allen’s Rule is a rule of biology that states that the appendages (ears, limbs, and tails) of animals living in cold geographical regions are consistently shorter than those of closely related animals...
View ArticleTemperature and Growth Hormone
Human growth hormone is a peculiar hormone, while it’s known to be anabolic in nature and is involved in cell growth and regeneration, yet it is also a pivotal fat loss hormone that is required to...
View ArticleWill you lose weight and keep it off if you diet?
Firstly, let me be clear – Diets work. Saying anything less is disingenuous. They may not work as well as we would hope, but they absolutely work. All those ‘Diets Don’t Work’ headlines are nothing...
View ArticleHeat and Body Weight
Have you ever wondered how and why your body regulates how much you eat and how much you weigh? It’s a really interesting question and one I think we’ve been looking at backwards for far too long. We...
View ArticleHeat and Exercise Recovery
During intense, intermittent exercise and throughout prolonged physical activity, your muscles rely on glycogen for energy. Now, you may be wondering, what the heck is glycogen? Glycogen Structure Most...
View ArticleNever Skip Leg Day
Friends don’t let friends skip leg day, or so the saying goes… Small legs, chicken legs, the triumphant retort of any one to any body with a good bench or built upper body… But is it justified? Legs...
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